Work to be done

Mozilla Firebird will be one of the most critical delivery vehicles for Gecko technology in the coming months. In order to get the best return on the years of effort that has gone into creating the platform upon which our software is built, exacting standards of quality and performance must be met. Our target for our 1.0 release is "best of breed" browser product on Windows and Linux, and before we can make that claim, a number of things need to be done. Some of these things include:

As well as numerous other polish and small feature additions to the browser and other windows.

TBD - 1.0 PRD spelling out remaining required features, assignees and target milestones.

Release Plan

As outlined in the Mozilla project roadmap, the Mozilla Firebird browser will eventually replace the Seamonkey browser as the default Mozilla browser release. As part of the journey towards that goal, from milestone 0.7 onward Firebird 0.x releases will occur at the same time (or approximately the same time). A branch will be made for each Firebird milestone and stability updates (0.x.x releases) will be made from these branches.

In the near future, we are going to try to do a 0.6.1 release to correct some problems that shipped with 0.6 based on the Mozilla 1.5alpha release branch + 7-14 days of shakedown.

As we predict more work required for a 1.0 moniker than remaining milestones left, after Firebird 0.9 we will continue numbering in the 0.10, 0.11, 0.12... style. This prevents us from overloading the 0.x.x numbering system, leaving it for incremental updates based on 0.x branches.


With client products now among the most important delivery vehicles for Gecko technology, we will be building up an aggressive campaign to market the Firebird browser. The "why document was a successful start to our marketing efforts. A number of other initiatives including a new product site will be rolled out over the coming milestones.

Support Network

Mozilla Firebird has a tremendous community following, and we wish to highlight the following two sites - Firebird Help for a wide selection of Firebird extensions and themes, and MozillaZine Forums - our premiere discussion site for users and developers.